Thursday, August 13, 2015

It's the End of the World As We Know It

The more I read the Scriptures, the more convinced I am that things are going to get out of hand very, very rapidly.  And since I'm not sure if we'll still be around to explain to everyone what's going on, I figure I'd do a quick series on "The End Times."  Look, things in the Scriptures are a little vague at times, so I'm going to be straight up honest and tell you that a lot of what I'm going to say is debatable.

As just a few examples:

Timing of the Rapture - Debatable
Timing of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Debatable
Who Attacks Israel - Debatable
When Whoever it Is that Attacks Israel Actually Attacks Israel - Debatable
The Meaning of the Beast - Debatable
The Meaning of the White Horseman of the Apocalypse - Debatable
Daniel's Timeline - Debatable

Meaning of the Seals/Trumpets/Bowls - Debatable
Meaning of Revelation 2-3 - Debatable

There are other aspects, too, but that's the gist of it.   Now, I'll give you my opinion on the subjects, but I'll also introduce opposing viewpoints, just so you can decide for yourselves.  But remember, with this, as with any other topic in the Bible, the point of it is always God.  It is always His mercy, His majesty, His grace, His power, His wrath, and - the culmination of it all - His love.  I don't want us to get too caught up in the details of eschatology, and miss out on the most important part:  God loves us, even though we don't deserve it.

The purpose of this series, then, is not to philosophize about whether or not Obama is the Antichrist, but to lead people to the real Christ, whether I'm still around when they stumble upon this blog, or not.  And if you disagree with some of my views (or others'), feel free to say so in the comments.  Just keep it polite, please.

The first post will be up soon!

Update 09/21/15
The first post is up now!


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