Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lessons Learned From My Toddler

My daughter has been having trouble lately with obedience.  Now, she's only two, so I don't expect things to be perfectly unicorn-rainbow happy 100% of the time.  But still, shouldn't she know, by now, that we're going to brush her teeth at night, whether she wants us to or not?  We've only been doing it for 18 months.

Shouldn't she know, by now, that she can't stay in her pajamas all day?

Shouldn't she know, by now, that we're going to give her a bath?

Shouldn't she know, by now, that telling us "no" is more likely to get her disciplined, rather than a reprieve from whatever it is she's protesting?

Shouldn't she know, by now, that obeying us is better for her, because we have her best interests at heart?

The more I think about it, though, the more I realize that God probably gives us toddlers so that we'll better understand what it's like for Him to deal with us.  After all, shouldn't I know, by now, that spending time in prayer is vital to my walk with God?

Shouldn't I know, by now, that I can't watch certain television shows without stumbling?

Shouldn't I know, by now, that I can't afford for my time in the Word to be superficial?

Shouldn't I know, by now, that telling God "no" is more likely to produce unpleasant consequences, than a reprieve from whatever it is I'm protesting?

Shouldn't I know, by now, that obeying is better for me, because He has my best interests at heart?

So, yes, my daughter is having some trouble with obedience, but, then again, aren't we all?

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