Saturday, May 5, 2018

Japanese Creation Myth

All was utter darkness.  There was no light.  There was no sound.  There were no gods.  But then, slowly, the particles of the universe moved, and they made a sound.  As the sound grew, so did the particles grow. Some of the particles were heavy, and sank to the bottom; they were the Earth.  The lighter particles, made of air and light, rose to the top and became the Heavens.

In the Heavens now there were the Three Creators:  The Master, the August Producer, and the Wondrous Ancestor.  They looked upon the land, surveying its moving, fluid motions as it floated upon the water.  They made the reeds spring up, and from the reeds came two new gods:  Izanagi and his wife, Izanami. Other gods and goddesses were born, but it was these two who were given dominion over the Earth.

When Izanami died in childbirth shortly thereafter, Izanagi grew distraught.  He descended into Yomi - the land of the dead - to find her.  It took him many days to do so, and by the time he had arrived, her body had already begun to decay.  Izanagi wept for many weeks.  Finally, he dried his eyes, stood up, and left his wife in Yomi.

Because he had been defiled by his time there, Izanagi washed and purified himself, using the rituals of the ancestors.  In this washing, three spirits were formed:  Susano-o, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi, who were the wind, the sun, and the moon, respectively.

-Japanese Myth

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